Lies of P How to Beat Romeo King of Puppets GameSkinny
How to defeat Romeo, King of Puppets. As previously mentioned, this battle unfolds in two distinct phases, each demanding a unique approach to preparation. The first phase pits you against a colossal puppet armed with devastating attacks, whereas the second phase introduces a swift and exceptionally robust adversary susceptible to varied attack.

Romeo & Juliet A Shakespeare Puppet Show YouTube
King of Puppets is Insane. That second phase is borderline impossible with some strength weapons. Right now he is harder than Pre Patch Radahn imo just Jesus Christ. I finally just beat it after about 1.5hrs. Basically, for the entire second boss just keep dodging to the left for every attack, especially the crazy fire one.

Romeo, King of Puppets is OP Lies of P gameplay YouTube
King of Puppets goes down ez if you use the electric cube for your specter and let him aggro. Hit him with fulminus/electric weapons from behind. For Romeo, you can literally do a single forward dodge before any of his attacks land and it will evade 100% of the time. Get a hit or two in between dodges. Rinse and repeat. Throwing cells are a bonus.

How to Defeat Romeo King of Puppets in Lies of P The Nerd Stash
Lies of P - King of Puppets Boss Fight (No Damage Taken) & Romeo, King of Puppets / King of Puppets No Damage Boss Fight Guide No Hit / Tutorial / How To Bea.

Lies of P Romeo, King of Puppets NG+ (Parry Only) Puppet Ripper YouTube
Romeo: King of Puppets. Not looking for tips or anything, just consolation from other victims of this monster. I fought the King of Puppets for over 5 hours today. First phase is trivial but frustrating in its own right, the hardest part is staying patient enough to avoid taking damage; gotta save every heal for Romeo.

Lies of P Romeo/King Of The Puppets Boss Fight!! YouTube
Advice for the King of Puppets Boss Fight. The best advice we can offer for both phases of the King of Puppets fight is to bring stuff which deals Electric Blitz damage. As the King of Puppets, both the larger form and Romeo himself are Puppet-type enemies, meaning that they will take additional damage from all sources of Electric Blitz.

Lies of P How to Beat Romeo King of Puppets GameSkinny
Ride the cable car back down and you'll notice The Atoned is not happy with you. Lying is bad, kids. Defeat The Atoned → Get The Atoned's Mask. @Estella Opera House Entrance. Defeat Romeo, King of Puppets → Get Burnt-White King's Ergo, Puppet Prince's Formal Dress, Someone's Necklace. Rest at the stargazer.

Lies of P Romeo, the King of Puppets boss fight tips and video walkthrough
Gravitational Pull: Romeo, King of Puppets in Lies of P, crouches down, drawing you in before releasing a devastating area-of-effect blast. Mighty Sweep: Prepares for a powerful wind-up, then unleashes an unblockable outward sweep with both arms. Skyward Launching Smash: Both arms pierce the ground and propel the boss into the air.

Lies of P How to Beat Romeo King of Puppets GameSkinny
Before battling the King of Puppets, two puppets perform a play in which Geppetto extracts Pinocchio's heart and placing it in another puppet figure, foreshadowing Geppetto's ambitions. Romeo's attempt's to send a message are seen when battling the Parade Master and King's Flame, Fuoco .

Lies of P Romeo, King of Puppets YouTube
For King of Puppets, it'll almost always start the fight with two or three spinning punches down into the ground, one after the other. It'll turn twice and then slam the floor with its right fist. It'll pause for a second or so, and then do the same with its left fist, then either the left or right fist again. Dodge-roll through these and.

Lies of P Romeo King Of Puppets YouTube
Romeo King of Puppets Reward. Defeating Romeo King of Puppets in Lies of P nets you the Burnt-White King's Ergo. It can be exchanged with Alidoro to obtain either of these two items: Triumvirate Amulet - +1 to all Legion Arms' upgrade tiers. Puppet Ripper - A scythe with Motivity C/Technique B scaling.

King of Puppets Lies of P Guide IGN
Romeo, King of Puppets Boss Guide. The real King of Puppets, Romeo, who was apparently hiding inside the whole time. For once our opponent is a quick moving humanoid rather than a slow moving.

Lies of P Fifth Boss Romeo, King of Puppets Boss Fight (PC) YouTube
Each boss in Lies of P can cause a lot of problems. Among the more difficult ones are King of Puppets and Romeo, King of Puppets, especially at this stage of the game.This main boss's arena is located on the stage, near the Estella Opera House Entrance.In this guide, we discuss how to defeat both the King and Romeo, as well as provide their exact locations.

How to Beat Romeo King Of Puppets in Lies Of P super easy with this guide that is sure to help you be triumphant. Step by step, i give you ALL you need, buil.

How to Beat Romeo King of Puppets EASY Lies of P Guide YouTube
Strategy to Beat Romeo, King of Puppets. Set Friendship Wishstone into the Cube. Weak to lightning attribute. Guard the right hand swing two times. The claw attack with the right hand hits twice while the one using the left hits once. At half HP, the boss will perform a rapid claw attack. Get away when the boss is gathering wind.

Lies of P Romeo King of Puppets Boss Fight YouTube
Lies of P - Romeo, King of Puppets Boss Fight - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 24Romeo, King of Puppets Boss FightEstella Opera House EntranceKing of Puppets Trop.